JAB Hub residency closing: Bye Bye Baby – Art Pub Crawl

Dragi prijatelji i poznanici,
bliži se kraj četveromjesečne rezidencije JAB Hub u Jelsi na otoku Hvaru, kroz koju ste se upoznali sa međunarodnim rezidencijalnim umjetnicima, a i oni s vama. U tu svrhu u petak, 24.5.2024. s početkom u 17:00h na molu Kanun organiziramo umjetničko događanje Bye Bye Baby – Art Pub Crawl, kako bismo prezentirali njihov višemjesečni istraživački rad, čije finalne forme i koncepti će biti službeno prikazani u sklopu 4. Jelsa Art Bijenala 2025. godine.
Dok pakiramo torbe i veselimo se posljednjem kušanju domaće travarice, želimo se okupiti još jednom sa svim prijateljima koje smo upoznali na otoku – i pokazati što smo radili tijekom proteklih mjeseci.
Hvala puno svim ljudima koje smo upoznali, koji su nam pomogli na ovaj ili onaj način, novim prijateljima, travarica i pivo kolegama, pikado partnerima i fanovima karaoka, bez kojih naša rezidencija ne bi bila ovoliko vesela.
– JAB Hub rezidenti Kalin, Hugo, Marieke i Talia
Ovaj petak, 24.5., u 17h počevši od mola Kanun vas vodimo na turu različitih lokacija koje prikazuju radove JAB Hub rezidenata.

Tura će se održati prema rasporedu:
17:15 Okupljanje na molu Kanun (Kalin & Marieke)
17:40 Cafe Škver (Hugo)
17:55 Kušaona 409 (Talia)
18:25 Pjaca (Marieke)
18:50 Tarantela (Kalin)
19:30 Monade (Q&A, izložba fotografija, glazbeni performans Dimitrije Simović)
Rezidencijski program JAB Hub, proizašao iz festivala suvremene umjetnosti Jelsa Art Bijenale koji se odvija u Jelsi od 2019. godine, ima u svojem cilju istraživanje lokalnog konteksta – koncepti individualnih rezidencija postavljeni su prema razumijevanju
različitih potreba i problema u lokalnim društvenim i prirodnim sustavima, s ciljem njihova poboljšanja; stvaranje fizičkog mjesta susreta između umjetnika i zajednice, te planirano povezivanje i stvaranje slučajnih susreta s članovima zajednice.

Dear friends and acquaintances,
the end of the four-month JAB Hub residency is coming to an end, through which you got to know the international artists-in-residence, and they got to know you. For this purpose, on Friday, May 24, 2024. starting at 5PM at the Kanun Pier, we are organizing the Bye Bye Baby – Art Pub Crawl art event, in order to present their months-long research work, the final forms and concepts of which will be officially presented as part of the 4th Jelsa Art Biennial in 2025.
Dear friends and acquaintances,
the end of the four-month JAB Hub residency is coming to an end, through which you got to know the international artists-in-residence, and they got to know you. For this purpose, on FridayMay 24, 2024. starting at 5PM at the Kanun Pier in Jelsa, we are organizing the Bye Bye Baby – Art Pub Crawl art event, in order to present their months-long research work, the final forms and concepts of which will be officially presented as part of the 4th Jelsa Art Biennial in 2025.
As we are packing our bags and looking up to the last taste of homemade travarica, we want to gather one last time with all the friends we made on the island – and finally show them what we have been doing all these months.
Hvala puno to all the people we have met, who have helped us in one way or another, new friends, travarica and pivo’s colleagues, darts partners or karaoke fans, without whom our residence would not have been so lively.
– JAB Hub residents Kalin, Hugo, Marieke and Talia
This Friday, May 24, at 5PM starting at the Kanun Pier we are taking you on a tour of different locations to show the work of the JAB Hub residents.
17:15 Gather at the Catamaran dock – Kanun pier (Kalin & Marieke)
17:40 Cafe Škver (Hugo)
17:55 KUŠAONA 409 (Talía)
18:25 Caffe bar Pjaca (Marieke)
18:50 Tarantela (Kalin)
19:30 Monade (Q&A, photo exhibition, musical performance Dimitrije Simović)
About JAB Hub:
The JAB Hub residency program, which emerged from the contemporary art festival Jelsa Art Biennial, which has been taking place in Jelsa since 2019, aims to explore the local context – the concepts of individual residences are set according to the understanding of different needs and problems in local social and natural systems, with the aim of improving them; creating a physical meeting place between artists and the community.
Funded by the EU.

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