Nature is Not Longer Destiny is a double video experimental installation by Jose Manuel Spínola (MX). It will be on display on July 15 at 9PM in the kala.
It is screened simultaneously, conceived during a pre-pandemic dance residency in Portugal. The director Jose Spínola induced the characters in a kind of hypnosis to interpret spontaneity – without a previous notion of the script – the concepts dictated as their opposite gender. The characters were free to express these concepts at will.
In this way, the director tries to unmask the gender indoctrinations that society has taught us to play; the ones responsible for creating a gap between the genders, which ended up in the extreme sexual polarization we suffer today. The liberation of men and women from these roles is in process – music and dance allow us to make an integration of both feminine and masculine hemispheres in ourselves, free from conceptual interpretations, time or space.
The emergence of a new state is possible, where men are freed from guilt and women from victimhood to achieve and urgent integration of genders beyond biology.
By reversing the roles, the artist tries to decipher and expose the perception of the opposite sex and cultural appropriation in the subconscious of the subject, therefore, find the connections between the six characters to understand how gender roles are integrated. Starting with biological factors such as physical strength and mobility as a male advantage and procreation and biological nursing as a female advantage. Scaling towards the roles and feelings given by culture and the set of preconceived signifiers of what it is to be a man and a woman; the introduction of the family structure, which occurred only when the man was assigned the role of the father, and the social work of hunting and procreation in the home.
Music and dance allow us to make this integration within ourselves, where both parts of the personality – feminine and masculine, are merged, mind, body and spirit can freely flourish where conceptualization does not exist and is suppressed by the power of the now. The emergence of an altogether new state is possible, we are both and we are the same.